Child Custody Lawyer: How To Choose One In Missouri

Child custody lawyer choices are many, so how do you choose the right child custody lawyer in Missouri? Here are a few things to think about:

Child Custody Lawyer #440969914 (AdobeStock) Family Law Practice at Levy Craig Law Firm

A Child Custody Lawyer Should Be The Right Fit For Your Family

Do A Little Homework First

When you use an online search engine to find a child custody lawyer in Missouri, make sure to include what city or county you live in. Search engines often group like-minded businesses by location, and will do the same for lawyers. Once you have a list, begin by researching their websites and looking up reviews.

You should be asking yourself: is their website professional? Are they transparent in their work ethic? What do the reviews say about this lawyer? Once you have narrowed down a list of potential lawyers, the next step is to meet with them either over the phone or in person and discuss how they will approach your case.

Introduction Consultation

The initial meeting, or consultation, is for you to explain your case and to ask any questions you need answered by a child custody lawyer. You’ll want to make sure that whichever lawyer you choose is able to handle your case, no matter how complex. They must do so in a professional manner, have a good reputation, and be up-to-date with the most current child custody laws in Missouri.


Deciding to hire a child custody lawyer is an important step, and references from previous clients might help you make a decision whether to hire a particular lawyer, or not. Not all cases are alike, so if a friend recommends their lawyer, they may or may not be the right fit for you. You can also get information on prospective lawyers from the Missouri State Bar Association on good lawyers in your area.

Are They Child-Centered?

You’ll want a child custody lawyer who is child-centered in their approach, and watches out for their best interest as well as yours. A great lawyer will be able to handle your case, you and your child with grace and compassion and have a mindset that is focused on your family’s future, and makes your child or children a priority.

At Family Law Practice at Levy Craig Law Firm, we recognize that child custody is many times the most difficult part of a divorce proceeding. Having an experienced family law lawyer on your side is important. If you are in the Kansas City Metro area and are looking for a child custody lawyer, contact us today to schedule a consultation, or feel free to call us at (816) 454-7474 with any questions regarding your case.