A Divorce Mediation Lawyer Offers Faster, More Affordable Solutions

A divorce mediation lawyer in Kansas City is often able to help couples find quicker, less expensive solutions to their marital disputes such issues as child custody, parenting time, child support, spousal support, educational and religious provisions, property and debt division, etc. Both parties must agree to hire the mediator, who is a neutral third party, to facilitate the process. Because getting divorced can be a highly emotional and expensive situation for most people, mediation can be extremely beneficial when both parties are willing to cooperate openly and honestly.

Mediation is a confidential, nonbinding process that allows you and your spouse to discuss and explores various options for resolution in a safe and private manner.  The mediator helps facilitate the discussion of the options available to resolve your issues.

divorce mediation dispute resolutionYou have the option to work with a mediator prior to the filing of your divorce case with the court.  This will often save time and money as well as the emotional trauma that often results from the traditional adversarial court process. The mediator helps you both stay calm and rational, guiding conversations to ensure that all the topics relevant to your divorce are discussed.

Mediation can be structured in different ways.  Often, it is beneficial and efficient for you and your spouse to be in the same room working with the mediator and talking directly with each other, making it a much shorter and more peaceful overall process. If you and your spouse have already consulted attorneys, you may elect to have your attorneys attend mediation with you to provide legal advice and counsel.  In mediation, the attorneys are not there to advocate for their clients but to support them in the mediation process and provide advice if needed.   In some cases, it is beneficial for the parties to be in separate rooms and the mediator to go back and forth between the mediation participants.

post divorce child custody

The mediation process is quicker, less expensive, and more private than a traditional divorce. You will avoid the stress of having to face a judge in a public courtroom where anyone in attendance will hear about your personal financial issues and your personal family life. Also, mediation is confidential, with only yourself, your spouse, your divorce mediation lawyer, and a team of professionals being a party to anything that is said during mediation.
You and your spouse retain complete control over all of the important decisions, rather than relying on a judge to make a determination that can have far-reaching effects on you and your family’s lives. In fact, the Kansas City court system favors divorce mediation because it avoids the potential for a long, drawn-out divorce case. Most importantly, it protects children from the turmoil of seeing their parents fight it out in court.
Mediation agreements are non-binding until they are signed by a Judge. Once a negotiated settlement has been reached, the divorce mediation lawyer or one of the other attorneys will draw up the written agreement and your divorce mediation lawyer will submit it to the court, where it will be entered as part of your final divorce decree. A signed agreement is legally binding, and you both may begin your agreed-upon parenting plan, sharing of your children’s expenses, paying child support and spousal support, and dividing your property and debts as stated in the agreement.
levy craig divorce mediation agreementAs a divorce mediation lawyer, Nathalie Elliott is skilled in helping families discuss options and craft solutions that are best for their family. Parties can participate in divorce mediation with their attorneys present or without their attorneys. 
Following each divorce mediation session, Nathalie prepares a written summary and sends it to the parties to document the agreements they reached and the issues they are still working on. 
If the divorce mediation process seems like the solution for your family, please feel free to contact divorce mediation lawyer Nathalie Elliott to discuss any questions you may have.


Levy Craig Family Law


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