Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer In Kansas City: Prenup Agreement Checklist

A prenuptial agreement lawyer in Kansas City understands that it may not be very romantic to think about signing a prenuptial agreement, however, there are some things you should be including in a prenuptial agreement to protect yourself and your future spouse. By discussing your finances and assets prior to the marriage, you are opening doors to effective communication within your marriage.

A Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer in Kansas City Know There Are Specific Details To Discuss On A Prenup Checklist

A prenuptial agreement checklist should have items such as an exhaustive list of both you and your spouses’ current assets and debts. Being upfront and straightforward about these things helps you and your spouse understand each other more when it comes to purposeful finances, and how to resolve issues together. A prenuptial agreement lawyer in Kansas City can help guide you through this process to determine some important questions surrounding these assets and debts including:
Will the assets/debts remain separate through the entirety of the marriage, or will you take on the responsibility together?

How will you handle these assets and debts in the unlikely event of a divorce?

Who will make financial decisions, or will those decisions be a joint effort?

Do you have similar spending habits, and if not, how will you handle how much spending is allowed?

Another thing to think about when discussing a prenuptial checklist, is work. A prenuptial agreement lawyer in Kansas City knows that sometimes work can become a contentious place that takes over a marriage, and discussions surrounding work should take place prior, during the prenuptial agreement stage, and further revised if necessary, during the marriage. A prenuptial agreement lawyer in Kansas might ask you:

What are the work expectations for each spouse?

Will one spouse be a primary income provider, while the other stays at home with the children?

If both spouses work, will bills be paid equally or separately, and will you have separate bank accounts? How will children be taken care of during work hours?

Retirement is another big item to think about on a checklist for a prenuptial agreement as well. Questions regarding when to retire and expectations on how much money you’d like to retire with are certainly all things to consider before marriage, as well as if you should hire a financial planner to help with not only retirement planning, but all finances well.

A prenuptial agreement lawyer in Kansas City knows that full disclosure is essential to creating a strong and enforceable prenuptial agreement. They will make sure that nothing is left out of the agreement including what happens if one spouse should die. When both spouses feel communication has  been effective when dealing with these sometimes tricky discussions, their marriage is stronger and they are able to communicate more openly and honestly.

Our team gives clients the benefit of planning for a successful marriage by retaining a prenuptial agreement lawyer in Kansas City. If you or your spouse are in the Kansas City Metro Area and wish to discuss planning for a successful marriage, contact us today, Family Law Practice at Levy Craig Law Firm, to schedule a consultation, or feel free to call us at (816) 454-7474 with any questions you have regarding a prenuptial agreement.