Divorce Mediator: When Should I Hire One?

Divorce Mediator Family Law Levy Craig When Should I Hire One AdobeStock_163930396

Hiring a divorce mediator can be an excellent decision when both parties are open to working together to find a resolution, seek to maintain amicable relationship for the sake of their children, are conscious of costs, value confidentiality, want control over the outcome, and seek a quicker, less adversarial resolution. However, assessing your unique circumstances…

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Why Talking to a Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Is a Good Idea

Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Family Law at Levy Craig Why Talking to a Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Is a Good IdeaAdobeStock_816519949

Talking to a prenuptial agreement lawyer before you tie the knot is important. While it may feel uncomfortable to discuss finances and the possibility of divorce before marriage, it ensures that both partners are protected, reduces potential conflicts, and provides a clear framework for financial matters in the marriage. Although it may seem unromantic, talking…

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